Sometimes I like to use familiar Bible passages as inspiration for addressing whatever seems to need addressing in prayer at that moment. I tend to go for the uber-comforting ones, like The Lord's Prayer (see Matthew 6:9-13), Psalm 91, 1 Corinthians 13, Psalm 46, and, of course, Psalm 23. Most times, I just apply the ideas to what's in thought, but sometimes I actually rewrite the passage to fit the situation. Psalm 23 lends itself particularly well to that, and it becomes especially easy to make it work both literally and figuratively.
So here's my summer vacation edition of the 23rd Psalm:
The Lord is my home; I shall not be out of place.
He provideth me with comfy and beautiful furniture: he leadeth me through my chores peacefully.
He remindeth me who and where I am: he directeth me to mine and everyone's inherent goodness, the foundation of my home.
Yea, though the kitchen be a mess or the laundry drying everywhere, I will keep my joy: for Thou art the "house"-keeper; thy Dawn and thy Downy they do the work.
Thou givest me my daily bread no matter what: thou baptisest me with purity, consecration, gentleness, heavenly inspiration; I am having a house-party with the angels!
Surely this shall be so each day I live: for I dwell in my Father-Mother's house, alway.
Passages that inspired me:
Psalm 23
Psalm 23 in Science and Health
So relevant, witty, and sharp!